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  • Claude Makes AI Easy To Share and Teach

Claude Makes AI Easy To Share and Teach

GOP Embraces Pro-AI Agenda, Rise and Risk of Chinese AI, Volley raises $55M for AI-powered games

Hi everyone

This is Lore, the techno-optimist newsletter. 

Every week, I share 5 interesting things to help you thrive in the age of AI.

Thank you for being a part of 20k+ techno-optimists and growing. Feel free to forward this to your friends if you feel the urge. 🙏

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1) The Next Wave Podcast: Claude 3.5 Sonnet

In this week’s episode of The Next Wave, Matt Wolfe and I discussed how amazing Claude 3.5 is, the practical use cases today, speculated on what’s going on at OpenAI and much more. I hope you’ll check it out!

2) Things Are Getting Better: GOP Embraces Pro-AI Agenda

For the first time, a political party in the United States has put out an incredibly pro-growth, pro-AI, pro-crypto agenda. And it was put out by Trump’s team and approved by the GOP.

Regardless of your politics, this is a positive development if you're a techno-optimist. This shift could lead to more favorable policies for AI innovation and adoption, potentially accelerating progress in the field.

I hope that the reasonable part of the DNC will follow suit and support AI as well.

3) Claude Makes AI Easy To Share and Teach

Anthropic's Claude Artifacts feature, which I wrote about two weeks ago, just got much better. You can now share the Artifacts with people with just a simple link. It’s pretty incredible.

My friend Rowan Cheung thinks this will revolutionize education. I think he’s probably right.

Ethan Mollick, a professor at Wharton, also gave a great example of making an interactive simulation that explains VC finance.

The implications extend far beyond the classroom. Professionals from finance to engineering can use this tool to create dynamic models, prototypes, and explanations. It's like having an AI-powered, interactive whiteboard that's accessible to everyone and can be shared with a single link.

As we discussed on the most recent episode of The Next Wave, this is the first feature that Anthropic has rolled out that wasn’t a copy of something OpenAI had done. And now they’ve taken it even a step further.

It’s worth noting tho that while Claude 3.5 Sonnet is currently the best LLM out there, OpenAI is still far ahead. With OpenAI making GPT-4o free, they’ve seen a huge surge in traffic. In comparison, Claude looks like a small little blip on the chart.

4) Rise and Risk of Chinese AI

The global race for AI dominance is heating up, with OpenAI blocking access to ChatGPT in China. This right after they recently brought on the previous leader of the NSA as a board member.

And then this week, at the World AI Conference in Shanghai, SenseTime unveiled their new SenseNova 5.5 model, claiming it outperforms GPT-4 in 5 out of 8 key metrics.

SenseNova 5.5 vs GPT-4o

Who knows if we can trust benchmarks until we get our hands on the model, but it's becoming clear that China isn't as far behind as we thought. Many people I know in AI have said China is 2-3 years behind. But this benchmark, if true, shows they might not be far behind.

This development underscores a crucial point: We need to accelerate AI progress, not slow it down. This should be one of America’s most important focuses to ensure freedom and that our way of life will continue in the future.

Here's why:

  1. America's leadership in technology, particularly the internet, has been instrumental in spreading freedom and prosperity globally. If we weren’t leaders in the internet, we wouldn’t be leaders in the economy and the world.

  2. AI is potentially the most significant technological wave in human history. Whoever leads in AI will shape the world's future due to how these models will eventually self-improve. Meaning, whoever wins will probably stay the winner for the foreseeable future.

  3. China's approach to AI development raises alarming concerns about individual freedom. They are way more focused on face-scanning technology which they are using to control their citizens. If they win at AI, we could see unprecedented levels of surveillance and control over citizens' lives, reminiscent of Orwell's 1984.

  4. If exported, this technology could empower authoritarian regimes worldwide, potentially ushering in a new era of global oppression. The freedoms we currently take for granted as our way of life, could cease to exist. As unbelievable as that seems now.

That's why anti-AI regulation like California's SB 1047 is so dangerous. It could kill American AI development at a critical time. After speaking with Anjney Midha from A16Z last week, I learned this bill even aims for national jurisdiction, which I found shocking. (Watch for that episode of The Next Wave coming next week!)

We can't afford to lose this race with China. The stakes are too high.

P.S. Check out Anjney’s StopSB1047.com initiative to help push back against excessive AI regulation!

5) News

Here are three AI developments I'm excited about this week:

  • Volley, a leading AI-powered games studio, announced today the closing of its Series C fundraising round led by Microsoft and Lightspeed Venture Partners. - Link

  • Odyssey announced. A new AI video company focused on ‘Hollywood-grade Visual AI.’ Created by Oliver Cameron, a YC alum who worked on driverless cars at Cruise. - Tweet

  • Thrive AI Health announced a collaboration between OpenAI and Arianna Huffington to create highly personalized AI for health. - Link

That’s all for today. Please consider sharing the newsletter with your friends if you think they’d enjoy it. 🙏

Please give me feedback on Twitter. I am still figuring out the best format for this newsletter. Which part did you like? Dislike? Do you have other suggestions? Please let me know—just tweet @NathanLands.


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