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  • Lore Issue #32: SEO in the Age of AI

Lore Issue #32: SEO in the Age of AI

Good morning.After a few slow weeks, this one was wild, with Adobe introducing one of the most incredible things I've ever seen and Microsoft promising to bring AI to the OS. I don't believe there will be an AI winter anytime soon.

Let's get started.


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Last week, Google offered a sneak peek into the future of search, and it's a game-changer for SEO.

If their demo becomes a reality – and all signs point to it being a matter of 'when' not 'if' – this will completely change SEO. Most questions will just be answered. And there will be a lot less link-clicking. And most of the links that get clicked will probably be ads.

Moreover, with Microsoft's recent announcement about integrating AI into their operating system, offering immediate answers right at your fingertips, companies heavily reliant on SEO need to reassess their strategies.

Key Insights:

  1. Diversification: If SEO is your primary growth channel, diversify as soon as possible.

  2. In The Short-Term, Experiment with AI for SEO: Consider using AI to produce more content. Possibly even experiment with mass-producing content while it still works. Some indie developers are successfully generating thousands of pieces of content and driving significant traffic. However, remember this is a short-term tactic. And be careful doing this with an established brand.

  3. Long-Term Authority Will Rule: SEO will likely exist in the long run, albeit in a different form. As AI-enabled mass content production becomes common, authors and brands will likely become even more critical ranking factors.

  4. Prioritize Building Your Brand and Network: Invest in your brand and high-quality backlinks, and collaborate with authors with strong social media followings.

SEO AI Examples:

We compiled a short thread showing how AI is being leveraged for SEO.

 SEO is probably going to die because of AI.

But right now, it works better than ever. Because of course. AI.

Here are several examples:— Nathan Lands (@NathanLands) May 24, 2023 


  • Adobe is adding an AI-powered image generator to Photoshop. (Read Article)

  • Bing is now the default search for ChatGPT. (Read Article)

  • Google Will Soon Show You AI-Generated Ads. (Read Article)

  • Huawei officially announces the Ascend 920 Claims to outperform NVIDIA's H100 in terms of performance (Read Tweet)


  • Anthropic raises $450M in latest AI funding. (Read Article)

  • Modular app-building platform Builder.ai raises $250M Series D funding. (Read Article)

  • Union AI raises $19.1M Series A to simplify AI and data workflows with Flyte. (Read Article)

  • Sequoia India’s Surge backs AI-powered video creation platform Gan.ai in $5.2M funding. (Read Article)


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 Windows ✨Co-Pilot

This is the biggest thing in AI this year. All windows machines will have an AI agent at the OS level. It's native. Omni-present.

All of a sudden everything on your local device gets accessible by the AI agent. This is clearly a paradigm shift. Time to… pic.twitter.com/1cvhMUiVfw— Linus (●ᴗ●) (@LinusEkenstam) May 23, 2023 


 Generative Fill, a new superpower integrated throughout Photoshop, launching in beta today.

Powered by Firefly, our generative AI family of models, Photoshop now let’s you summon new objects and augment creations layer by layer. Saves time, increases possibility, and pretty 🤯 pic.twitter.com/ARxhclFshO— scott belsky (@scottbelsky) May 23, 2023 

Other Tools We Found:

  • Scrap - The first AI-assistant that scrapes data for you. (Visit Website)

  • Airchat - A new kind of social experience, empowered with AI, created by Naval Ravikant. (Join Waitlist)

  • Sudowrite Story Engine - AI-tool for writing long-form stories. (Visit Website)

  • Perplexity AI Copilot - Interactive AI search companion. (Visit Website)


  • 2023 GEN AI SUMMIT: OPEN OR CLOSED? - By HubSpot - May 25th in Silicon Valley (Request Invite)

  • Climate AI Hackathon - May 27th in San Francisco (Event Details)

  • AI Tools Hack Night with Replit, Vocode, and Replicate - May 30th in San Francisco (Event Details)


Find more AI Events on the



 Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold

paper page: https://t.co/Gjcm1smqfl pic.twitter.com/XHQIiMdYOA— AK (@_akhaliq) May 19, 2023 

  • Cinematic Mindscapes: High-quality Video Reconstruction from Brain Activity (Read Paper)

  • Elon Musk Interview with WSJ - Discusses AI and

  • LLM Agents Can Autonomously Improve in Negotiation from AI Criticism (Read Paper)

  • "Text2NeRF: This new AI paper allows us to conjure up 3D photos from the depths of latent space. Basically, turning words into worlds" - Bilawal Sidhu. (Read Tweet)

  • Bill Gates: AI will kill off Amazon, Google and drive future humanoid workers. (Read Article)

  • Apple Restricts Employee Use of ChatGPT, Joining Other Companies Wary of Leaks (Read Article)

  • 60 Minutes hired an ethical hacker to show how easy it is to be scammed with AI. (Watch Video)


That's it!

See you next week!

-Nathan Lands

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