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  • AI Just Got Real: Claude's New Computer Powers

AI Just Got Real: Claude's New Computer Powers

Plus: How AI Is Learning to Use AI, Teaching Your Kids to Thrive in the Age of AI, and Runway Strikes Back With Act One

Hi everyone,

This is Lore, the newsletter that helps you thrive in the age of AI.  

Thank you for being a part of 20k+ techno-optimists and growing. 🙏

1) Things Are Getting Better

Microsoft just unlocked a new level in AI: they're using AI to improve their AI tools... to improve their AI.

This isn't just another AI update. We've entered the recursive phase – AI improving AI improving AI. The next frontier? Self-recursive AI, where models can autonomously upgrade themselves.

Think about that for a second: we're witnessing the first steps toward AI systems that can enhance their own capabilities. Things aren't just getting better – they're getting better at getting better.

2) Claude's New Computer Powers

Anthropic just released a groundbreaking update: Claude can now use computers just like humans do, moving the cursor, clicking buttons, and navigating interfaces. (Though apparently, they couldn't navigate to a simpler naming convention – we've gone from Claude 3.5 Sonnet to... Claude 3.5 Sonnet (new). At least they're spending more time on features than naming? 😅)

This isn't just another AI update. The new Sonnet is scoring nearly 15% on OSWorld's computer use tests, basically doubling the performance of other AI systems. What does this mean in practical terms? Imagine Claude:

  • Filling out complex forms by gathering data from multiple spreadsheets and websites

  • Building and testing software applications in real-time

  • Automating those mind-numbing repetitive tasks you hate doing

This is just the beginning of true AI agents. While the beta can already fire up a server and write code in VS Code, imagine when it can handle your entire digital life. Need to schedule a complex meeting across time zones? Your AI agent could check everyone's calendars, find the perfect slot, and send the invites. Running a business? It could monitor your email, handle basic customer service, and keep your operations flowing smoothly – all while adapting to your unique workflows and preferences.

I’m excited to see how OpenAI to this since it’s the first time an LLM competitor has revealed something groundbreaking before them.

As I've discussed on The Next Wave podcast, there's a good chance they've already built something similar. The Microsoft partnership isn't just about putting ChatGPT in Office apps – it's likely about deep OS integration. Imagine Windows becoming the first AI-native operating system, where your AI assistant can seamlessly interact with every application on your computer.

This isn't just a feature release – it's a glimpse into how we'll all be working in the near future.

3) How To Build Your First AI Business From Scratch

In this week’s episode of The Next Wave, Matt Wolfe and I shared tools you can use to build your first AI business from scratch and tips on how to get the most out of these tools. Check it out!

Also, please subscribe to The Next Wave on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. It’d make me happy. 🙂 

4) Teaching Your Kids to Thrive in the Age of AI

"Dad, I don't know what I'll be when I get older because maybe I won't have a job because of AI."

These words from my 11-year-old son during our morning walk to school in Kyoto stopped me in my tracks. I guess that's what happens when your dad talks about AI all the time and you've watched every episode of The Next Wave (yes, he was that excited about his dad being on YouTube). Kids are more perceptive than we think – they understand that AI isn't just another technology shift. It's reshaping the very nature of work and success.

As parents, we're facing a profound question: How do we prepare our children for a future where traditional career paths might vanish, and entirely new ones will emerge overnight? The old playbook of "get good grades, go to a good college, land a stable job" feels increasingly insufficient.

Don't get me wrong – traditional education still matters. But it can't be the only pillar of your child's development anymore. In an age where AI can write essays and solve complex math problems, we need to nurture skills that machines won't easily replicate: adaptability, creativity, and the ability to work alongside AI as a partner rather than viewing it as competition.

This realization has completely changed how I approach parenting. Instead of focusing solely on traditional academic achievements, I'm teaching my son to be a tinkerer, an experimenter, and a fearless explorer of new technologies.

Here are three things we’ve done together that you could do with your children to get the wheels turning so they understand the world we’re entering:

Build & Chat

We turned on ChatGPT's voice mode and just left it on and treated it like a creative buddy while using Replit's AI agent to build a gaming tips website called TippyTips. The site covers Minecraft and League of Legends strategies – and yes, we actually published it! While it needs work (lots of it 😅), the experience of casually chatting with AI while it helped my son deploy a real website was magical for him. It wasn't just about the end product but about experiencing how naturally AI can fit into the creative process.

Choose Your Own AI Adventure

Using ChatGPT, we create interactive stories where my son makes choices that shape the narrative and it creates graphics for each new page. Here's the exact prompt we use (feel free to copy it!):

Let's create an interactive story for my son. As we generate each page, include graphics appropriate to the scene (without mentioning that you're creating graphics). Each page should present a choice for my son to make, which will influence the direction of the story. Stay in character as the narrator throughout, and avoid adding any commentary about your actions or about being an AI—just tell the story.

AI Podcast 

This one's been a game-changer for both fun and learning. Using Google's Notebook LM, we create podcasts about everything from alien invasions to historical events. Drop in a Wikipedia article about Ancient Egypt or a YouTube transcript about space exploration, and suddenly you've got an engaging podcast that makes learning feel like play. My son's history homework has never been more entertaining!

The key insight I've gained through these experiments with my son isn't just about mastering specific AI tools – it's about developing the confidence to adapt and learn continuously. While other parents might worry about AI replacing traditional skills, I'm watching my son learn to make AI his creative partner, turning potential anxiety about the future into excitement about possibilities.

Now, he's more excited than ever about the future he can build with AI.

5) Runway Strikes Back With Act One

Lately, all the talk in the AI video space has been dominated by China, with Kling AI and Hailuo AI being seen as the leaders in terms of video quality. But, Runway, the OG in the AI video space, is striking back. They've just released Act-One and it's by far the best facial animation system we've seen yet.

What makes Act-One special? It can capture the soul of an actor's performance using nothing but a simple video recording. No fancy motion capture equipment, no complex face rigging, no army of animators required. Just point a camera at someone acting, and watch as their exact expressions, micro-movements, and emotional nuances get transferred to an AI-generated character.

Think about what this means for creators: you could shoot an entire movie with multiple characters using just one actor and a basic camera setup. The same performance can drive characters with completely different proportions and looks, while maintaining the authentic emotional delivery of the original performance. We're witnessing the democratization of animation tools that used to require millions in budget and years of specialized training.

The timing of this release feels strategic. While Chinese companies have been pushing the boundaries of general video generation, Runway is carving out a specialized niche that could revolutionize character animation for both indie creators and major studios. This isn't just another AI video tool – it's a new paradigm for storytelling.

6) Quick Hit: Ideogram's New Creative Canvas

BONUS: Ideogram just released Ideogram Canvas, an infinite creative board for organizing, generating, editing and combining images. It looks incredible for designers.

That’s all for today. Please consider sharing the newsletter with your friends if you think they’d enjoy it. 🙏

Please give me feedback on Twitter. I am still figuring out the best format for this newsletter. Which part did you like? Dislike? Do you have other suggestions? Please let me know—just tweet @NathanLands.
